
The Amateur Club of Madagascar is organising an International Race on 16th November 2008 and wants to invite lady and/or gentlemen riders. 

As this race is outside the Fegentri championship, riders are asked to PAY THEIR OWN AIR FARES but accommodation and transport in Madagascar will be provided free of charge.  For specialist advice on best flight ticket prices, please contact our newly appointed AJA travel counsellor Catherine Thorburn on or give her a call on 0845 058 7562.

Riders must have ridden a minimum of 5 winners either under Rules, point-to-points or Arab racing; girls must weigh around 9 stone and lads around 10 stone.

Ø Invited riders: 2 riders per country is possible; lady and/or gentlemen riders.

Ø They will have one ride (if the riders want to have 2 rides, they have to arrive in Madagascar before November 9th, so that they can ride for the first time on 9th November, second ride on 16th November 2008. Departure can be on Monday, November 17th at the earliest. Riders arriving on 7th can organise a tourist programme. The host would be pleased to drive them to the seaside.

Ø Weights: as the local horses are quite small they prefer to have riders who can do the weight between 58 – 67 kg (9 stone to 10 stone 7 lbs).

PLEASE NOTE: As Madagascar is not within the recognised Turf Authorities covered by the BHA insurance policy, riders are advised to take out their own insurance for race riding as NO INSURANCE is included within this invitation, although you are insured for riding out if a member of the AJA.

This is an amazing place to race ride. Past jockeys from the UK have included David Dunsdon, Dr Philip Pritchard and David Turner. Please call the AJA if you are interested or have any queries! Replies please by OCTOBER 23rd if possible. Thanx.

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