Last day of Amateur Flat Season sees tables finalised


Congratulations to both MILES SESTON and PIP TUTTY for winning rides today at Musselburgh and Nottingham respectively.img_4228.jpgPip Tutty led in to the winner’s enclosure at Nottingham this evening on Hurricane Thomas who also won the Best Turned Out award.

This was Miles’s third and Pip’s second flat winning ride of the season and puts Miles into joint runner-up slot on 3 wins alongside Phil Collington and Justin Newman with Simon Walker retaining his claim (with 5 wins) on the Gentlemen’s Flat Championship for an incredible 7th time.  (In addition, in September Simon retained his Bollinger title at the end of that series with Miles winning the runner-up slot.)

Serena Brotherton also retains her title of Lady Flat Champion Jockey for a 4th time with an incredible tally of 8 winners this season and the ladies’ runner-up slot is shared by Louise Allen and Racheal Kneller with 3 wins each.

Many congratulations to all amateur jockeys who have enjoyed winning rides this season.

Picture credits: AJA

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