Alice Mills takes lead in Fegentri Ladies World Championship



Its tough at the top and no mean task in getting there, particularly in the Fegentri World Championship with all of the idiosyncrasies that this unique competition brings, and many congratulations go to Alice Mills who has just reached the top of the ladies championship tables.


A winning ride in Baden-Baden, Germany, on Wednesday after a fruitless ride in Ostend on Monday, followed by watching the Fegentri chase from the stands on Tuesday  without a ride, rewarded Alice’s patience.  This took her to one point from the top of the tables with two rides to look forward to at the weekend in Istanbul.

Unfortunately subsequent changes in the jockey line-up saw Alice’s ride withdrawn on Saturday but she was only just beaten by the German lady representative on Sunday and her 12 points for 2nd place takes her into pole position.  How long for remains to be seen, with so much depending on host nations’ draws or their own systems for allocating rides.  Just 4 ladies races remain on the calendar (3 in Germany, with the German representative closing in on Alice’s lead) and we wish Alice much luck for the rest of the season. You can follow Alice together with Freddy Tett’s progress at

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