Amateur jump championships finale night at Stratford this Friday 20th May!


This Friday evening 20th May sees the finale of the 2015/2016 amateur jump season kindly hosted as always by Stratford Racecourse.

The gentlemen’s championship has been won by David Noonan (above) on 19 wins – an incredible achievement considering that David turned conditional before Christmas!

Stan Sheppard (above) has put in a great effort at denying David the championship and is currently on 15 wins with the runner-up slot safely secured, having ridden 2 winners last week with Maxi Chop in a Hunterchase at Fontwell for Rose Loxton the day after he scored at Worcester for his father Matt with Modeligo over fences. Stan’s nearest rival is Michael Legg who has had an incredible season and is currently on 11. James King rode no less than 3 winners last week so deserves a mention too in the closing stages of the season:
* David Noonan 19
Mr Stan Sheppard 15
Mr Michael Legg 11
* Sam Coltherd 9
Mr Zac Baker 6
Mr James King 5
Mr Tommie O’Brien 5

The ladies championship is a much closer battle with Bryony Frost (below) currently leading the girls on 7 wins.

Catherine Walton (below) won a Hunterchase at Perth last week on Mister Marker for Nicky Richards which took her to 6 wins and last night Gina Andrews joined her in the runner-up slot following her Hunterchase win at Huntingdon on Hill of Gold for David Kemp.

Brodie Hampson is next in line with 5 wins. Friday night’s racing at Stratford Races could change the final ranking for the ladies so here is wishing good luck to all!

Miss Bryony Frost 7
Ms Gina Andrews 6
Ms Catherine Walton 6
Miss Brodie Hampson 5
Ms Nina Carberry 4

Huge congratulations to all amateur jump jockeys who have ridden winners this season! The new season starts on Saturday.

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