Aintree must read for amateur jockeys
All amateur jockeys from both Ireland and the UK
riding at Aintree over the next 3 days have been contacted with the following important information.
This is a vital reminder for any jockey unsure of procedures.
Course Walks: Following the 2-year trial of voluntary course walks at the Randox Health Grand National Festival, any rider who has not ridden over the Grand National fences more than twice at a Grand National Festival is required to take part in an official course walk with a BHA Jockey Coach. This will leave the Weighing Room at 10.30am on all 3 days of the Meeting, or at other times by arrangement with the Jockey Coaches.
On Thursday the Jockey Coach will be Brian Harding, and on Friday and Saturday dual the Jockey Coach will be Grand National winning jockey Carl Llewellyn.
Course walks will take place on ALL 3 days of the Meeting. The same initiative is also being made available to professional jockeys who are riding in the Topham and the Grand National.
Those who are required to walk the course will have been notified by the BHA at declaration stage. Other jockeys are welcome to join them and walk the course.
Pre-Race Procedures and Briefings
Foxhunter and Grand National Steeple Chases
As last year, there will be a Pre-Race Briefing in the Stewards Room at 12 noon on Thursday for ALL amateur jockeys riding in the Foxhunter Steeple Chase, and on Saturday for ALL jockeys riding in the Grand National Steeple Chase. ALL JOCKEYS RIDING IN EITHER RACE MUST ATTEND.
The Start
Jockeys are asked to approach the tapes no faster than a jig-jog. If the Starter is not satisfied, for any reason, with the manner in which the field approaches he will not start the race and will instead call the jockeys to a standing start.
If you do not finish in the first 4, please unsaddle in the wash-down area, where there is an excellent team on hand to assist with washing down horses.
For those fortunate enough to be interviewed by ITV Racing, we have requested that they speak to you before the post-race interview to confirm you are happy with the well-being of your horse. Please follow the instructions of the vets who may ask you to take additional turns on the horse or to dismount. If you feel the need, please dismount and move away from the horse and continue the interview on foot.
Use of the Whip
The use of the whip at major race meetings is under the spotlight, particularly at the Grand National Festival and more recently at the Cheltenham Festival. We are grateful for your respect of the Rules whilst competing on the biggest stage โ it is important to our sport.
Pulling-Up/Tired Horses
In recent years, jockeys have made excellent collective progress in relation to pulling-up tired and out of contention horses at the Grand National Festivals. We thank you for that and would once again urge you to do the same if you are out of contention. It is important from a welfare perspective.
If a horse is caught after a fall or unseat, the jockey may ride the horse back to unsaddle only if s/he has been authorised to do so by a vet and the jockey has been assessed by a doctor or paramedic.
If black/yellow direction markers are displayed anywhere in the fence/hurdle, the obstacle MUST be bypassed. Jockeys must follow the direction of the arrow on the direction markers.
Thank you for your co-operation with the above to enable us to showcase the very best of our sport and we wish you and your horse good luck for a safe journey around Aintree.