
As you may already know, there are a range of new Level 2 body protectors becoming available with enhanced fit and comfort whilst maintaining protection.

James How from Race Safe will be present at various venues up and down the country in the coming weeks fitting body protectors. The initial confirmed dates are as follows:

3rd March – Newbury (Jump)

6th March – Wetherby (Jump)

Any further dates will be confirmed in due course.

There is a discount on the cost of a new body protector if pre-ordered at the fitting session, and all adjustments are free if identified there and then. As bespoke adjustments are done for free in this initial phase it is particularly relevant for those jockeys returning from injury where perhaps due to clavicle fracture a standard fit is no longer correct for their body shape.

The list price is £290 with a reduction if fitted to £260. The IJF are open to approaches to discuss possible financial support for amateur jockeys / qualified riders on a case by case basis.For clarity this is not a mandatory change in body protector; they are simply much more comfortable and move with the jockey. Manufacturers advise that a body protector kept in optimum conditions has a lifespan of 3-5 years ~ less if it is not looked after.

This link will take you to the Racesafe Website for contact details although as yet the new models will not appear there at present.

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