Further to the BHA notice of 29 January 2015, BSEN 1384:2012 and CSN EN 1384:2012 has been removed as an acceptable standard on and after 1st January 2017! Please check your skull cap NOW – checks will be made when you next weigh out on the racecourse!
Help checking your cap: helmet-skull-cap-flow-chart
More information here: helmet-information-sheet-jan-2017
The revised required standards are:
Design of skull cap
1. A skull cap is approved by the Authority if it meets PAS 015: 2011, SNELL E2001, VG1 01.040 2014-12, or UTAC/CRITT 04/2015.
2. The skull cap must not have a chin cup, cradle or draw lace.
3. The chin strap must pass under the jaw and be attached to the harness by a quick release buckle.
4. The skull cap must not have metal hooks.
Fitting of skull cap
5.1 The skull cap must be of the correct size for the Rider and must be correctly fitted and fastened.
5.2 The face harness must be correctly adjusted and the chin strap fastened at all times when the Rider is mounted on a horse.
Do not forget: a helmet/skull cap which has been involved in an impact should be replaced in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. Jockeys who sustain a concussion under Rules which is diagnosed at the time by a Racecourse Medical Officer are eligible for an £80.00 voucher towards a replacement helmet/skull cap under the BHA/BETA Concussion Bounty Scheme.
All amateur riders who aim to ride under Rules MUST have a baseline concussion test in place. (Professional jockeys must have these annually but for amateurs it is only once every 5 years unless aged 55 or over, when annual rules apply.)
The British Horseracing Concussion Protocol applies regardless of where the concussion takes place, whether on a racecourse, in a point-to-point, on the gallops, in a car crash, in the yard, or wherever.
Following a concussion, riders cannot return to racing until cleared by the British Horseracing Medical Department. This is the course of action required following a concussion:
You must send your medical record book to the BHA Medical Department as soon as possible after your accident.
- Wait until you have fully recovered and are symptom free
- Contact British Horseracing Medical Department on 020 7152 0138 or 020 7152 0111/medical@britishhorseracing.com
- Indicate when you would like to start race riding again
- The BHA Medical Department will make an appointment for you to attend one of the Regional Centres to undertake (a) a repeat neuropsychological assessment and (b) a consultation with a consultant physician
- Following the appointment, the reports should be back within 2-4 working days and you will be notified once cleared.
For riders who hold a point-to-point permit only (ie do not have an Amateur A or B Licence) different rules apply:
Baseline concussion testing is not mandatory but is recommended. Action following a concussion is the same as for amateur jockeys (see above).
Any queries, please contact either the BHA Medical Department on 020 7152 0138 or Sarah Oliver at The Amateur Jockeys Association on 01886 884488
Each applicant must complete a Baseline test at one of the designated Regional test centres. Details of these centres can be found through the following link:
The AJA are pleased to advise that following a request from the AJA to the BHA, the deposit cost for an appeal by an amateur jockey has been adjusted, reducing it to be in line with the deposit cost for an appeal by an apprentice or conditional jockey.
All jockeys are advised that following consultation, the BHA Board approved the following Rule amendments which will be effective from 1st January 2016:
Rule (A)78. Bringing an appeal
78.3 No appeal notice may be lodged unless it is accompanied by a deposit of
78.3.1 in the case of an appeal by an Apprentice Jockey, Conditional Jockey or amateur rider £110, in any case where a financial penalty of £500 or less was imposed, and otherwise £250;
78.3.2 in any other case £220, in any case where a financial penalty of £500 or less was imposed, and otherwise £500.
Rule (B)46. Remounting or Pulling up a horse
46.1 If during the race a horse is remounted and continues in the race it shall, on an objection to the Stewards under Part 7, be disqualified.
46.2 No rider may remount after a race has started and ride back to the place appointed for unsaddling unless
46.2.1 he has been examined by a Racecourse Medical Officer, and
46.2.2 his horse has been examined by a Veterinary Surgeon.
46.3 Paragraph 46.2.1 does not apply if the Racecourse Medical Officer is unable to carry out the examination before completion of the veterinary examination under Paragraph 46.2.2.
46.4 Where a Rider pulls up for any of the reasons listed under Rule (D)45.3, he cannot subsequently re-join the race and must wait in the area where he pulled up until all contenders in the race have passed by and, if the race is a steeple chase or hurdle race, he must refrain from jumping any further Obstacles.
46.5 The horse of a Rider who is found to have contravened Paragraph 46.4 shall, on an objection to the Stewards under Part 7, be disqualified.
46.6 In this Rule Veterinary Surgeon means any qualified veterinary practitioner appropriately registered to practice.
Rule (D)37. Whips used for racing
37.1 No Rider may ride in any race unless he is carrying a whip approved by the Authority that complies with the specifications contained in Part 2 of Schedule 2.
37.2 Other than adjustments to the handle/grip, an approved whip must not be modified in any way (for example, by the addition of tape to the flap or shaft).
37.3 No substitute for a whip may be carried in any race.
37.4 A whip approved for racing in steeple chases or hurdle races may be carried in such races or in flat races, but a whip approved for flat racing may be carried in flat races only.
Rule (D)45. Riding to achieve the best possible placing
45.1 A Rider must
45.1.1 ride his horse throughout the race in such a way that he can be seen to have made a genuine attempt to obtain from his horse timely, real and substantial efforts to achieve the best possible placing, and
45.1.2 take and be seen to take all other reasonable and permissible measures throughout the race, however it develops, to ensure the horse is given a full opportunity to achieve the best possible placing.
45.2 For the purposes of Paragraph 45.1, whilst it is not necessary for the Rider to use the whip, the Rider must give his horse at least a hands and heels ride.
45.3 But the Rider must pull up the horse where
45.3.1 it is lame or injured,
45.3.2 it is exhausted, or
45.3.3 the Rider consider that it would be contrary to the horse’s welfare to continue riding out because the horse45.3.3.1 has no more to give or is ‘tailed off’ through fatigue, or has a problem which is materially affecting its performance.
45.4 Where the horse is lame or injured, the Rider must dismount immediately and must not ride to a finish.
Schedule (B)6 – Causing interference and improper use of whip
Improper use of whip
5. The Stewards should hold an enquiry into any case where a Rider has used his whip contrary to Paragraph 6.
Improper riding
6.1 The following are examples of uses of the whip which may be regarded as improper riding for the purposes of Rule 54.3.
Example 1 Using the whip on a horse
6.1.1 with the whip arm above shoulder height;
6.1.2 rapidly without regard to their stride (that is, twice or more in one stride);
6.1.3 with excessive force;
6.1.4 without giving the horse time to respond.
Example 2 Using the whip on a horse which is
6.1.5 showing no response;
6.1.6 out of contention;
6.1.7 clearly winning;
6.1.8 past the winning post.
Example 3 Using the whip on a horse in any place except
6.1.9 on the quarters with the whip in either the backhand or forehand position;
6.1.10 down the shoulder with the whip in the backhand position; unless exceptional circumstances prevail.
Example 4 Using the whip on a horse above the permitted level for frequency.
6.2 Use of the whip may be judged to be improper in other circumstances.
7.1 Horses will be subject to an inspection by a Veterinary Officer after the race.
7.2 A Trainer must remove or adjust rugs or sheets for the purposes of any inspection.
7.3 The Veterinary Officer will report to the Stewards every horse which is wealed or injured.
8. A Trainer must attend any enquiry into a wealed or injured horse trained by him and, in the event of a finding that the Rider is in breach of one of the examples in Paragraph 6, may be liable to Disciplinary Action pursuant to Rule (C)45 (which requires trainers to give pre-race instructions to riders).